Albany Rural Cemetery (Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area, NY)

November 18, 2022

For the National Heritage Areas, I look at the appropriate webpage and choose one spot that is included within the Area. Albany Rural Cemetery is just off I-90 and a mere fifteen minute detour from the route to my daughter’s college, so I swung by on my way to pick up my “kid” for Thanksgiving.

Wow. Just – wow. The photos below do not give the scope or grandeur justice. There are SO MANY gothic statues and carvings, and the graves go on and on and on in all directions. Words cannot explain….just know that over 135,000 people are laid to rest here, including a former president, members of the Supreme Court, dozens of Cabinet members, and scores of Albany mayors. I could have spent all day here looking at the artwork. I regret not stopping by on the way back with my daughter; she would have loved this place.