Ice Age Trail. Sept 3, 2024. Eastern Terminus to Beach Harbor Resort. Three miles

My friend John gives me a ride from Green Bay to the eastern terminus. We have an enjoyable trip and talk about various aspects of our lives. The conversation calms my nerves. It is my tendency to worry about everything right before a big adventure. I worry about that ten day stretch over a month from now with no on-trail resupply. I worry I won’t adjust to my pack weight. I worry about the heat this month (anything over 70 F is too warm IMO). I worry about the cold at night next month. I worry my pack will burst in the middle of nowhere. I worry about melting in direct sunlight on road walks with no shade. John’s kindness and good cheer keep me from annoying myself too much with all my anxieties.

We arrive, and John refuses the money I offer for his time and gas. Seriously kind fellow. We take a selfie, and he offers to take photos of me by the trailhead. Then it is goodbye, and off I go. 

Even though I trained with a full pack the last few weeks, I had trouble fitting everything into my backpack this morning. It’s as though a few invisible items slipped in there to make everything bulkier. Still, I feel pretty solid as I hike my first few miles of the Ice Age Trail.

It’s a short first day, just three miles. I walk through the wooded Potawatomi State Park enjoying the trees, the shade, and the flat and easy terrain. I see only four other people plus, when I reach the Bay, a couple of fishermen in their nearby boats. I remember to turn on my Garmin inReach a mile into my hike. Oops.

 My pack shifts as I walk, and I adjust the straps as needed. I pass a picnic shelter at 2.5 miles and am amazed that it has a ton of electrical outlets, a bathroom, and a water fountain.

I call the Beach Harbor Resort and ask if I can check in early (there is a campground nearby, but I wanted to ease into my hike the first evening). The nice lady says my room is ready, so sure. The trail turns into a road and I walk to the motel which is right next to the official route. I check in, shower, and order a veggie wrap from the hotel’s restaurant. I am going to try very hard to eat as healthily as I can on this hike and not consume too much processed food.

My daughter and I text one another as I eat. She begins her first day of classes at college tomorrow, and I am excited and happy for her. We will talk in person next week at some point.

I look forward to it.