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Silvio O. Conte NWR (Hadley, MA) and Fort River Trail (NRT)

December 12, 2022

I’d planned to do all the National Recreation Trails in the immediate vicinity today, but I changed my mind after more snow than forecast fell. Twelve years of winter mountain hiking in NH’s Whites still has me burnt out of snowshoeing, so the thought of doing ten-twelve miles through a bunch of white stuff didn’t appeal to me. I therefore decided to do the one-mile Fort River Trail at the Hadley unit of Silvio O. Conte and then head south to Fannie Stebbins (next post).

The one mile was gorgeous. Fort River Trail is a lovely stroll on a well-maintained ADA-accessible path through woods and marsh. The snow here was actually a plus; it added a pretty blanket to the already stellar scenery. A mile isn’t too long to trudge through the stuff.