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Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge and Appleton Bog Atlantic White Cedar Stand NNL (Maine)

May 12-13, 2024.

May 12 – Birch Point Trail

Woke up early and hit the road so I could get in all the trails I wanted to hike today before my scheduled Mother’s Day call with my daughter. Loved driving south toward the coast. Maine’s country roads are beautiful. This division is about an hour east of Acadia NP (47 miles).

Petit Manan NWR has three divisions. Two of the four trails I hiked today are in Petit Manan Point. Those two trails are just down the road from one another and wander through/to/next to, as the NWR website puts it, “jack pine stands, coastal raised heath peatlands, blueberry barrens, old hayfields, fresh and saltwater marshes, cedar swamps, granite shores, and cobble beaches.“ Birch Point Trail is the longer trail of the two coming in at over four miles roundtrip, but the footing is easy and the views are gorgeous.

Hollingsworth Trail, just down the road from Birch Point Trail. A loop hike just under two miles.

May 12-13, 2024.

Photo 1: After doing the first two Petit Manan trails (previous posts), I drove to Gouldsboro to take care of the NWR trail located there. Two trailheads awaited me at the parking lot, and in my haste I did the wrong trail. I was so focused on getting it done before a scheduled Mother’s Day video call with my daughter that I did not double-check the map. Oops. I got back to the car, had a lovely time speaking with my daughter, then did the other (correct) trail which leads to two viewing platforms. Here is a photo of the more scenic one.

Photos 2-6: Corea Heath Trail is located close to, of course, Corea. I turned onto what I thought was the parking area but is actually where the local ax murderer takes his prey (so it looks, anyway). Found the correct parking area a short distance farther down the road. A straight and short trail leads to a viewing platform of the bog.

Photo 7: On my way to Appleton the next morning, I gave a ride to this fellow who is running for President. He travels the country and preaches equality, free education, affordable healthy food, and the dismantling of corporate political influences, among other things. He makes more sense than any other candidate at the moment. Plus, it takes cajones to hitchhike in a chicken onesie. Respect.

Photos 8 and 9. Me looking toward the general location of Appleton Bog Atlantic White Cedar Stand NNL, virgin white cedar at the northeastern limit of its range. I know where the trees are thanks to various websites explaining its location, but it is on private land deep in the marshes. This is as close as I could get.