Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, Outer Island Unit (CT).

July 31, 2024

Outer Island is the southernmost of the Thimble Islands and can be reached by the public Thimble Islands Ferry (just under $20 roundtrip) in Branford, Connecticut. I had both that ferry and the island to myself this morning, and that was fine with this nature-loving introvert.

The island is a migratory bird and pollinator stopover site, and it was privately owned until the owner, Elizabeth Hird, donated it to the refuge system. Most of the five acres is off-limited to the public, but the small area that is open is beautiful and worth the visit. Besides the few short trails, the vegetation, and the granite boulders/shoreline, there is an educational building, the (closed) home where Hirt used to live, and a public toilet.

I enjoyed slowly walking the trails and looking out at the ocean. This was the perfect site for me today as I threw out my back two days ago doing my usual evening Pilates exercises and am now on steroids and (non-opioid) muscle relaxers. The drugs are working, but I still need to move gingerly to avoid pain. Total trail mileage on this island is less than three tenths, and that was all my back could handle. I need to start training for my upcoming Ice Age Trail thru-hike soon, so I hope my body sorts itself out within a few days.

One more CT wildlife refuge site to go, and I will be finished all of New England. [I will have visited/hiked all of New England’s National Park Sites, National Natural Landmarks, National Wildlife Refuges, National Recreation Trails, National Wild & Scenic Rivers, National Recreation Areas, and National Heritage Areas].